
Western Wall, The

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Western Wall, The: the western retaining wall of the Temple Mount, the last remnant of the Temple in Jerusalem
The Western Wall, or Kotel, in the Old City of Jerusalem has figured prominently in the Jewish consciousness for centuries. Generations dreamed of appearing before the old stone wall, even just once...
The Temple Mount's sole remaining structure, visited by millions worldwide for prayer and inspiration.
The Western Wall is one of the four walls that supported the Temple Mount. Why is it considered more special than the other three, all of which are clearly visible?
What you’re really asking is: If G‑d is everywhere, why should prayer be more effective in one place than another? In truth, the same can be asked regarding praying in a synagogue vs. praying at home . . .
The rich history and sanctity behind the Western Wall
Sacred Sightseeing: The Kotel
Join Rabbi Mordechai Weiss as he tours the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and discover its history and significance.
I longed to join those hunched figures crying at the wall, because even though I wasn’t exactly sure what to cry about, I knew that I wanted to be part of a longing for something great. I knew that one day I too would cry for the Temple and whatever it re...
I try to get back to that place within in me that still reaches unceasingly for meaning. I can't get back. As I kiss my children good bye by the door, the glare of the morning sun is sharp and unforgiving. I want to climb, to run, to inspire. But the heav...
Romans and Jews were crowded together, and their dead bodies fell on top of each other. The sound of screaming filled the air and the floor of the Temple was covered with bodies...
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