5:11 The Western Wall Sacred Sightseeing: The Kotel Join Rabbi Mordechai Weiss as he tours the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and discover its history and significance. Watch
5:28 The Tomb of Rachel Sacred Sightseeing: Kever Rachel Join Rabbi Mordechai Weiss as he tours the Tomb of Rachel in Bethlahem, and discover its history and significance. Watch
5:45 The Tomb of Samuel the Prophet Sacred Sightseeing: Kever Shmuel HaNavi Join Rabbi Mordechai Weiss as he tours the tomb of Samuel the Prophet, and discover its history and significance. Watch
5:42 The Tomb of Simeon the Righteous Sacred Sightseeing: Kever Shimon HaTzaddik Join Rabbi Mordechai Weiss as he tours the tomb of Simeon the Righteous, and discover its history and significance. Watch