Learning Center
Feelings of jealousy and anger are indicators of a need for greater connection with ourselves and G‑d.
Refresh your memory and learn something new about the fast of 10 Tevet with this interesting compilation.
The Sefarim Victory on Tevet 5, 5747 (1987)
The Magazine
8th Day music star Shmuel Marcus is actually a full-time Chabad rabbi in a distant community. Here's how he stays inspired and makes it all work.
We don’t do anything wrong, but we worry, we’re afraid, we’re anxious—and that in itself holds us prisoner and holds us back. What’s our mission?
How can I help her become stronger so she can survive in a world that’s not always fair and tactful, and so that she’s not constantly suffering a maelstrom of emotion?
Noodle kugel is a staple at many an Ashkenazi Shabbat table. Some prefer the sweet raisin kugel, but I prefer a savory onion one.

Dear Readers,

If I had to choose one word to describe the suffering and unhappiness in our world, it would be fragmentation. We live fragmented lives.

We don’t see any connection or meaning behind the issues of our lives. We view people as separate from us, rather than as part of a unified, symbiotic whole. We view time and events as disjointed, with no theme or underlying purpose.


This month is actually a time of great light, for the greatest light is hidden in darkness. What we see is reflected back to us. If we see good, good is reflected back. Let’s try to see the good in others and in ourselves.
— The Month of Tevet and Practical Steps to Dealing With Anger
Handy Household Hacks
Boiling Eggs

Put a slice of lemon in the water while boiling eggs. The shells will almost fall of when they’re done.

Work for Success

The one place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

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