May 2020
Holiday Watch
Rabbis counsel caution during pandemic, even when following local government guidelines
Scholar, teacher and member of rabbinic court known for his kindness
Holiday Watch
Program scheduled for Wednesday evening at 8:30 p.m. ET
Book Bag
Universal and deeply personal, ‘michtavim klaliim’ set the tone for the upcoming holiday
A model of joyful Jewish life, faith and authentic brotherly love
Holiday Watch
Tips on how to read the Ten Commandments at home, inspiration for the holiday, family party packet
Last-ditch effort saves life of Israeli seafarer stuck in Caribbean by coronavirus
A new app and fresh interface for Chabad.org Video’s 23,502 offerings (and counting)
North America
Chabad Lifeline pivots to serve and support people in recovery
Wife and mother of OK Kosher leaders worked with Soviet underground
A doula and teacher who valiantly fought an auto-immune disease
North America
With classes and jobs on hold, Kaila Zimmerman-Moscovitch of Chicago still keeps busy from morning till night
Holiday Watch
Emphasizing Jewish unity while maintaining social distancing
Australia & New Zealand
Bringing inspiration and Jewish pride to some 40 percent of Aussie and Kiwi Jews
Australia & New Zealand
How the far-flung Auckland community is keeping together and apart during the pandemic
Going beyond the letter of the law to protect life
Online conference shares support and strategies for helping individuals and communities
North America
Aleph Institute symposium draws lessons from ‘Pesach Sheni’
North America
25 hospitals and thousands of individuals around the state receive protective gear
In the Media