February 2018
Holiday Watch
Chabad centers everywhere set for holiday, which begins on Wednesday night
North America
Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz receives a unique gift for his 46th birthday
North America
2,500 teens at 10th annual Shabbaton
North America
Mitzvah campaign marks a beloved teacher and friend’s 46th birthday
North America
They will be among a record 2,500 teens from 436 cities at 10th international Shabbaton
North America
Discussing a time-tested measure to teach positive values to students
North America
Two grief-stricken towns remember their children, hoping to channel anguish into positive change
North America
CTeen gatherings give young people an opportunity to express their grief
North America
FBI and local police pay rabbi a visit after a timely alert
Campus Life
Binghamton U. students fan out across campus to inspire others
North America
Families and friends mourn; student survivors in shock
The Rebbe’s assurance of safety and prosperity is recalled
North America
Teenage gunman in custody in Parkland, Fla.
North America
Worldwide tefillin campaign to help Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz celebrate
Rebbetzin cited as an ongoing role model on the 30th anniversary of passing
Rabbi Avi and Mushky Feldman hope to ignite a Jewish fire under the Northern Lights
Photo Gallery
The 26th annual Kinus Hashluchos, the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Experiential learning program combines poems, paintings and photos
In the Media