One of the highlights of a Chabad Kabbalat Panim (pre-chupah reception) is the groom's recitation of a ma'amar (chassidic discourse). This discourse which discusses the mystical implications of a wedding and the chupah begins with the words Lecha Dodi — "Come, my beloved to meet the bride..."

This discourse was first recited by the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, at the kabbalat panim of his second daughter's wedding. The wedding between Chaya Mushka and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the present Lubavitcher Rebbe, took place in Warsaw, Poland on the 14th of Kislev 1928.

Before delivering the discourse, the Previous Rebbe said that the souls of several past generations of the bride's and groom's forbearers come from the World of Truth to join the wedding celebration. As a means of inviting the holy souls of his ancestors, all the Chabad Rebbes which preceded him, he would say a discourse which includes within it teachings derived from each of the previous five Rebbes.

He then solemnly invoked the words of the sages: "Whoever cites a teaching in the name of its author should visualize that mentor standing before him."

Twenty-six years later, on the wedding anniversary of his father-in-law the Previous Rebbe, the Rebbe repeated this same discourse, expanding on many of the issues discussed therein, and adding insight and elucidation.

The groom's recitation of this chassidic discourse is a personal invitation extended to the Rebbes; a request that they grace the wedding with their holy presence, and shower the new couple with abundant blessings.