It’s been a rough few months for the Jewish people. Eleven congregants in Pittsburgh murdered by a virulent anti-Semite as they began Shabbat morning services. Jewish communities in Israel enduring a barrage of rockets from Gaza. Jews in Europe still facing spiking anti-Semitic attacks. Jewish students attacked on the streets of Toronto. It’s tempting to cower at home, waiting, praying, and hoping for things to turn out OK.

Or we can take a proactive approach. In 50 states and more than 100 countries, Jewish communities will be gathering for public menorah lightings, often in central locations. Find the menorah lighting near you, and attend with your family and friends.

What better answer can there be to those who want us to disappear? Taking a cue from the Maccabees, we will stand together, our proud presence declaring that with G‑d’s help, the Jewish nation is here today, tomorrow, and forever.