
"The Buildings Looked Like Pancakes"

A Firsthand Account of the New Zealand Earthquake

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Uncle Sol Los Angeles, CA March 8, 2011

Kol AKovod! Your faith in G-d and your Love for your fellow Jew is beyond compare...May G-d continue to provide you and your family the strength in every aspect - health, financial, spiritual - to carry out your selfless support of the Jewish people -
You are certainly assisting G-d in his work so he should always look after you with all good things - Amen! Reply

Sam K London, UK March 3, 2011

Inspiring!! Wow, Your story truly touched my soul! Thank you for everything you and your family are doing in New Zealand! Reply

Ruth Harding Anchorage, US March 3, 2011

Your strength amazes me!! Thank you for inspiring me with your heart-wrenching story. Angels are certainly guarding the righteous.

May you continue having the strength to carry on your life task and make the world a better place.

G-d bless you! Reply

Rachel Beckett Cedarhurst, NY March 3, 2011

Oh my, what an experience!! Thank you for devoting your lives to touch the souls in even the very corner of the world. We are happy that your are safe and please know that our hearts and prayers are with you!! Reply

Chana Fraenkel melbourne, vic March 3, 2011

Thank G-d you guys are OK and doing amazing job! Tzippy and Shmulik, you guys are truly incredible people- young, energetic, enthusiastic- I saw first hand the amazing work you were doing in Christchurch, before the devestation hit! You know there was a level of danger in the work you were doing, but you didn't give it a second though, because you had your eyes on the goal! you knew there was work to do, and nothing got in your way!

The buildings in christchurch might have fallen, lives tragically lost- but Thank G-d you guys are OK and will only go on to bigger and better things!!! Reply

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