
Excerpts from the Rebbe’s First Chassidic Discourse

Bring Heaven Down to Earth

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Excerpts from the Rebbe's First Chassidic Discourse: Bring Heaven Down to Earth

The sages state that “all sevenths are cherished.” This is the reason, they explain, why Moses was the one who merited to bring G-d’s Presence into this world—because he was the seventh from Abraham.
באתי לגני, יו"ד שבט, תשי"א, Shevat 10, Maamar Basi LeGani, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Excerpts from the Rebbe’s First Chassidic Discourse
Bring Heaven Down to Earth
Disc 71, Program 281

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5711 - January 17, 1951

The sages state that “all sevenths are cherished.” This is the reason, they explain, why Moses was the one who merited to bring G-d’s Presence into this world—because he was the seventh from Abraham.

The fact that the seventh is cherished indicates the greatness of the first. What was the unique quality of Abraham? Abraham served G-d with self-sacrifice. “He called out in the Name of G-d, Master of the world”—the sages explain: not “he called out,” but rather “he brought others to call out.”

This self-sacrifice is expected from each of us in the seventh generation. Even if one feels no spiritual strengths within himself, he is nevertheless told: It is not by your own choice that you are the seventh generation—you have the strength by the very fact that you are the seventh. You must realize how cherished you are, and how much has been invested in you. You will then fulfill your part in the mission to draw G-d’s essence into this material world . . .

Living Torah

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Freda Australia January 20, 2021

I love hearing discourses from the
Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
He has a special place in my heart as I had a special private Brochure from him Reply

Jermane Enoch Georgia February 3, 2020

I enjoyed hearing about the discourse. God brings holiness to us! Reply

Ben Chicago June 24, 2018

where can I find the whole audio? Reply Staff June 26, 2018
in response to Ben:

You can find the entire audio here Reply

Ben Chicago July 1, 2018
in response to Staff:

Yasher Koach. I forgot about that archive! Reply

Esti Poland January 11, 2022
in response to Staff:

Thank U Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn February 3, 2015

Hilda. Correct! Reply

Chava Eretz Yisroel February 1, 2015

So so emotional. Reply

Hilda New London,CT January 30, 2015

The message touched my heart. What does it mean we are living in the seventh generation? Is it about the seventh leader assuming leadership of the Lubavitch movement> Reply

Chaya San Diego, California August 3, 2010

Seven Everything is illuminated with understanding about the prominence of seven in my life. All I knew before listening to The Rebbe explain the meaning of the seventh was that seven was my number, my favorite number. Transcended, dear Rebbe. Reply

Anonymous baldwin park, california February 1, 2010

The Torah i am trying to understand it, so that i may be able to share with others, Reply