
As a New Day Breaks

As a New Day Breaks shows how the backdrop for the age of Moshiach has been created within our contemporary society. With the insight of a "future book," it surveys the trends at work at present. Useful as a primer on Jewish thought, it highlights the principles and values which will lead mankind to its ultimate fulfillment in the Era of the Redemption.

Focus on Progress
A Sunrise Picture of Economics
The Blossoming of Knowledge
To Learn War No More
A Child Shall Lead Them
Eternal Land, Eternal Hope
Searching For Light
Chosen For What?
The Biggest Question of All
Horror and Hope; Holocaust and Redemption
A Paradigm for Leadership
Will Mashiach Work Miracles?
Kingship in Contemporary Society
The Future In The Present
The Laws of the King Moshiach
Open Your Eyes And See
Attuning Oneself to a Changing Reality
Sound the Great Shofar
Togetherness — Between Individuals, and Within Individuals

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