In the wake of a devastating line of tornadoes that claimed two lives in a rural part of Kansas, the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Student Center serving the University of Kansas is offering any assistance to those in need.
Of particular concern to Rabbi Zalman and Nechama Dina Tiechtel, co-directors of the Lawrence-based center, are the fate of students at Kansas State University, an hour and a half away in the city of Manhattan.
“I called all of the students we know, and so far they’ve said that no one is hurt, thank G‑d,” said Zalman Tiechtel, who added that the late-night storms kept most of his town awake Wednesday night. “They all said that it was pretty scary.”
Initial estimates released by the Manhattan school, which cancelled classes on Thursday, put the tornado’s cost at more than $20 million.
“The damage on campus is extensive,” said Tom Rawson, the university’s vice president for administration and finance. “Roofs have been damaged or torn off, windows have been blown out in many buildings.”
Among the heaviest losses was the university’s Wind Erosion Lab, which “is gone,” said Rawson.
A half-mile wide tornado that plowed through the town of Chapman destroyed more than 60 homes and killed two people, The Associated Press reported.
“Chabad representatives are visiting Manhattan and other areas,” said Tiechtel, “to provide comfort and counsel to suffering peoples of all faiths.”
The rabbi urged anyone who wants to help or who knows of people who need assistance to visit the Jewish center’s Web site, or call 785-917-8672.
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