
Inner Meaning of Mitzvot


Discover the inner spiritual meaning of an individual mitzvah as unraveled in the teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidut.

The Mitzvah of Ahavat Yisrael
Audio | 49:50
The Mitzvah of Ahavat Yisrael
A comprehensive study of the deeper meaning of the mitzvah to love your fellow Jew--Ahavat Yisroel.
Honoring Your Parents
This class explains the special importance of the mitzvah of Kibud Av Va’eim – honoring our parents.
The Mitzvah of Mezuzah
Audio | 44:42
The Mitzvah of Mezuzah
This class presents a thorough understanding of the unique significance of the mitzvah of Mezuzah.
The Mitzvah of Inviting Guests
Audio | 47:52
The Mitzvah of Inviting Guests
This class highlights our special responsibilities in attending to guests; the mitzvah of hachnassat orchim.
The Mitzvah of Tzedakah
This class expounds upon the deeper meaning for the mitzvah of tzedakah and what it accomplishes.
Elevating the Hands
Audio | 30:24
Elevating the Hands
without raising a hand
Every mitzvah has endless layers of meaning. As we discover a piece of insight into a mitzvah, we appreciated the smallness of our intellect and are grateful for the taste of the infinite. Such is the case with netilat yadayim—washing of the hands.
Chinuch: Educating Our Children
Audio | 49:20
Chinuch: Educating Our Children
This class spells out what educating our children means and its tremendous importance.
The Mitzvah of Comforting Mourners
This class gives us a better understanding of the mitzvah of comforting a mourner.
Teshuvah: Repentance
Audio | 45:23
Teshuvah: Repentance
This class provides a thorough understanding of the mitzvah of teshuvah.
The Mitzvah to Be Fruitful and Multiply
The First Mitzvah of the Torah
This class shows the tremendous importance of the first mitzvah of the torah; peru u’revu – be fruitful and multiply.
The Mitzvah to Write a Sefer Torah
The Last Mitzvah of the Torah
This class presents a comprehensive analysis of the last mitzvah of the Torah which is for each individual to write a Sefer Torah.
Shemitah of the Land
This class discusses the spiritual dimension of the mitzvah of Shemitah relating to desisting from working the land.
Shemitah of Money
This class explains the deeper significance behind the mitzvah of Shemitah in relation to the release of debts.
The Prohibition of Shatnez
This class explains different kabbalistic insights for the mitzvah of shatnez; the prohibition to wear garments made with both wool and linen.
The Prohibition of Gid Hanasheh
Audio | 48:45
The Prohibition of Gid Hanasheh
This class explains the mitzvah of not eating the gid hanasheh -- the sciatic nerve -- and how it represents the true meaning of divine providence.
The Mitzvah of Nedarim
Audio | 48:10
The Mitzvah of Nedarim: Vows
This class discusses the great importance in keeping one’s vows and the different details involved; the mitzvah of nedarim.
The Mitzvah of Kisuy HaDam
Audio | 46:34
The Mitzvah of Kisuy HaDam
This class addresses the reason for the mitzvah of kisoy hadam; covering the blood of animals with sand after ritual slaughter.
The Importance of Keeping Minhagim
This class discusses the special importance in observing minhagim - Jewish customs.
How to Be Motivated in Torah
Audio | 45:51
How to Be Motivated in Torah
This class lays out the Torah’s advice on being motivated in our observance of Torah.
Running to Do a Mitzvah
Audio | 44:58
Running to Do a Mitzvah
This class explains the deeper meanings behind the different types of running that are associated with doing a mitzvah.
Torah Laws for the Non-Jew
Audio | 46:01
Torah Laws for the Non-Jew
This class details the parameters and intricacies of the seven Noahide laws; the mitzvot for all of humanity.
The Mitzvah of Separating Challah
The deeper meaning behind the mitzvah of separating challah; a mitzvah of special significance for women.
Bringing Mind Over Matter
The spirituality of hand washing (Netilat Yadayim)
Discover how to master your emotions and attain self-control by understanding the deeper meaning of the Jewish ritual of handwashing in the morning.
Joy for a Mitzvah
Audio | 41:57
Joy for a Mitzvah
Explore the significance in doing a mitzvah with joy, and moreover, the importance for a Jew to always be happy, as highlighted in chassidus.
The Chassidic Approach to the Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av
Why Tisha B’Av will be a festival in the messianic era?
The teachings of chassidus look beyond the surface of the terrible destruction of the Holy Temple and the subsequent exile, which we mourn during the 3 weeks, and finds the hidden good embedded inside—offering insight into why they’ll ultimately be transformed into joyous holidays in the times of Moshiach.
The Differing Approach of Chassidus and Musar
There are two differing schools of thought in Judaism known as Musar and Chassidus. In this class Rabbi Schapiro contrasts the two approaches in these spiritual disciplines.
Prayer: Service of the Heart
Audio | 50:09
Prayer: Service of the Heart
Why we pray to G-d
The True Meaning of Kabbalah
Audio | 50:47
The True Meaning of Kabbalah
Understanding the Inner Dimension of Torah
Rabbi Schapiro explains in clear, simple terms what kabbala really is, and how we are to approach the secrets of the Torah.
The Mystical Meaning of the Chosen People
A deeper look at the special nature of the Jew as being chosen by G-d.
Understanding Our Faith
Audio | 49:35
Understanding Our Faith
How logic can bring us to belief
What is the true definition of faith? How does believing differ from knowing? Are there logical proofs for the belief in G‑d and in the divine origins of the Torah?