Learn and sing beautiful prayers with Rabbi Shmulik
Listen and follow along with cantor Rabbi Shmulik Moscowitz in singing popular prayers, with musical accompaniment by Mendy Golomb. Please note that these videos were not filmed on Shabbat or holidays.
Singing the Shabbat hymn welcoming the Shabbat, which is widely sung in the Friday night prayers. This rendition of Lecha Dodi is to the popular Chassidic tune known as Yifrach.
Singing the Shabbat hymn welcoming the Shabbat, which is sung in the Friday night prayers. This popular rendition of Lecha Dodi is to the Chassidic tune of “Becha Hashem”.
Get ready for Rosh Hashanah and watch a demonstration of the Shofar blowing service, which includes the preliminary verses, the blessings and the sounding of the shofar.
This song and hymn praises the virtues of the great Talmudic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the author of the holy Zohar. This song is widely sung on Lag BaOmer when we celebrate his life and passing.