
Shabbat Audio Classes

On Shabbat we cease all creative involvement with our surroundings, transcend the worries and struggles of our daily existence, and enjoy the divine tranquility of G-d's day of rest; learn more.

Shabbat – An Island in Time
Audio | 1:17:22
Shabbat – An Island in Time
Jewish Essentials - Part 2
The holy day of Shabbat is more than just a day of rest. Discover the what, how and why of this special day we were gifted. This class is the second of a six-part lecture series titled ‘The Essentials,’ which introduces the foundations of Jewish life and living.
The Shabbat Table
Audio | 43:19
The Shabbat Table
The meaning behind the laws and customs we observe at the Shabbat table.
Shabbat Customs
Audio | 1:09:05
Shabbat Customs
There are a wide variety of beautiful minhagim, customs, associated with Shabbat; learn the intricacies of many of these customs and their underlying reasons.
The Shabbat Candles
Audio | 44:39
The Shabbat Candles
This class expounds upon the deeper meaning behind the mitzvah of Shabbat candles.
Candle Lighting Customs
A brief overview of the customs behind the mitzvah of lighting candles Friday evening before sundown to usher in Shabbat.
Shabbat: A World Aflame
All week long we are mastering creation, but on Shabbat we stop and…
The Holiness of Shabbat
Audio | 40:40
The Holiness of Shabbat
This class illuminates the true meaning of the holiness of Shabbat and what it represents in our spiritual experience.
Kiddush and Havdalah
Audio | 43:02
Kiddush and Havdalah
This class outlines in great detail the mitzvah of kiddush and havdalah; to sanctify the Shabbat at the beginning and end of the day.
The Kabbalah of Kiddush
Audio | 43:01
The Kabbalah of Kiddush
In the Friday night Kiddush we begin with the words “The sixth day”; why do we mention the 6th day when sanctifying the Shabbat, the seventh day? Join us to analyze the very essence of the ritual of Kiddush.
Halachah: Candle Lighting
The laws, customs, and halachic underpinnings for lighting the Shabbat candles.
Halachah: Kiddush
Halachah: Kiddush
A detailed presentation of many of the halachot surrounding the mitzvah of Kiddush.
39 Melachot
The 39 Melachot
An In-Depth Audio Series on the Prohibition of Work on Shabbat
Torah law identifies 39 types of work that were involved in the making of the Mishkan (tabernacle) and from which we desist on Shabbat. In this series, Rabbi Shusterman explains and looks at the practical applications of each of the 39 Melachot
The Third Meal of Shabbos
Audio | 45:34
The Third Meal of Shabbos
The custom to eat less at the third meal of Shabbat, seudah shelishit, and its mystical significance according to Kabbalah.
Melaveh Malkah
Audio | 48:41
Melaveh Malkah
This class explains the specialty of the after-Shabbos meal called melaveh malkah.
Reciting Veyiten Lechah After Shabbat
This class traces and elucidates the origin, the reasons and the inner meaning of the after-Shabbat prayer of veyiten lechah.
Making an Eruv Tavshilin
Audio | 43:45
Making an Eruv Tavshilin
A thorough description of the mitzvah, eiruv tavshilim, practiced when a yom tov falls on Friday.
Prayers of Shabbos (1)
Audio | 41:19
Prayers of Shabbos
Part 1
This class goes through the Shabbat prayers and presents profound insights into their meaning.
Prayers of Shabbos (2)
Audio | 47:44
Prayers of Shabbos
Part 2
This class goes through the Shabbat prayers and presents profound insights into their meaning.
Shabbat in Three Movements
How the three spiritual levels of Shabbat (the feminine, the masculine and their union) correspond to three stages of the day (evening, morning and afternoon). A deeper understanding of the layered nature of the day of rest.
The 39 Prohibitions of Shabbat
Resting from Work on Shabbat
How does one properly observe resting from work on Shabbat? This series provides a detailed overview of the thirty nine categories of forbidden activity on Shabbat, defining their parameters and practical applications.
Shabbat: A Day of Re-Jew-Venation
What are the spiritual underpinnings of Shabbat that makes it a sacred day of rest? This class explains the deeper understanding of why we rest and celebrate Shabbat.
Come My Beloved to Greet the Bride
Shabbat’s feminine character
Although Jewish law exempts women from the observance of ‘time-constrained positive commandments’, they are nonetheless enjoined to observe all the Sabbath rituals, notwithstanding the fact that Shabbat rituals (such as reciting the ‘kiddush’) are ‘time-constrained’ mitzvahs. This class sheds new light on the reason for this exception and highlights the unique spiritual value of the Jewish women.
Traditional Shabbat Foods
The rhyme and reason for the customary Shabbat menu
Explore the rich background, significance and symbolism of the time-honored Shabbat menu, as sourced in classic Jewish texts, their halachic underpinnings and the mystical perspective.
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