
Shemot Audio Classes

Time for Torah: Shemot
Shemot: Book of Names
What is the connection between Shemot - ‘Names’ and the rest of the book of Shemot?
Torah Gems - Parshah Shemot
Experience the gems of the Parshah with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalistic twist.
Parshah Thought: Shemot
A five minute weekly Torah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.
Parshah Insight: Shemot
A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
Chumash and Rashi: Shemot
Parshah with Rabbi Gordon
Parshah Class: Shemot
Get a detailed overview of the weekly Torah portion sewn together with keen insights and timely life messages.
Shemot - In Depth
Audio | 28:43
Shemot - In Depth
An in depth look at the weekly Parshah based on the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Chassidic Dimension - Shemot
An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the weekly Parshah.
M-Cast: Shemot
Audio | 4:55
M-Cast: Shemot
Welcome to M-Cast, where we take a look at topics in the weekly Torah portion and see how it relates to the coming of Moshiach.
Basic Parshah - Shemot
An overview of the weekly Parshah, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.
Shemot - The Power of Trust
An in-depth analysis of the basis of our faith and trust in G-d that all will actually be good.
An advanced presentation of Chassidic teachings on the Parshah.
A Mother and a Mohel
Audio | 1:08:04
A Mother and a Mohel
Practical Parshah - Shemot
The unusual circumstances of Moses’ son’s brit milah (circumcision) and what it teaches us about how that mitzvah may be performed -- and by whom.
The Personal Parshah: Shemot
Would you choose a job over a trust fund? Look into your life and discover the Parsha within.
Doing the Impossible
A Taste of Text—Shemot
When confronted with a situation that seems hopeless, don’t resign yourself to inactivity with the excuse that the little you can do can’t possibly make a difference.
Moses, Maimonides and the Alter Rebbe
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Shemot
When G-d shows Moses a sign by having him turn a staff into a snake, G-d asks Moses, (Exodus 4:2) "What is this in your hand?" But the two words, "mah zeh" ("what is this") are spelled in the Torah as one word, "mizeh" ("from this.") How does the term "mizeh" hint to the Alter Rebbe and Maimonides whose yahrzeits are this week?
The Power of Positive Thought
Parshah Shemot
"Think good and it will be good" is not just a feel-good slogan. It means that by trusting in G-d, we actually elicit His help from on High. Find out what happened when Moses doubted if he was deserving of G-d's help. (Based on Likutei Sichos volume 36, Sicha 1.)
I Will Be What I Will Be
How to Study Torah - Shemot
When G-d charges Moses with the task of leading the Jews out of Egypt, Moses asks G-d what His name is and G-d responds, "I will be what I will be." How does this cryptic answer help us understand the problem of evil and suffering?
The Real Answer to the Jewish Problem
Life Lessons from Parshat Shemot
The Jewish bondage in Egypt contains the all-too-familiar horrific story of anti-Semitism that marks our history. What is the reason behind this hatred and what is the ultimate solution?
Parsha Gems: Shemot
Audio | 49:23
Parsha Gems: Shemot
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
What’s the Big Deal with Names?
Parshah Curiosities: Shemot
The second book of the Torah, which is called the Book of Names, begins with again listing the names of the twelve tribes. Explore the importance and influence of a name, and other intriguing curios on Jewish names. For example, why don’t we find reference to anyone being named Gad and Asher – names from the twelve tribes – throughout the entire Talmudic era?
Birth of a Jewish Saviour
Parshah Curiosities: Shemot
The little-known and largely misunderstood story of Moses’ parentage is presented along with fascinating facts about the birth of our Jewish redeemer. Discover detailed descriptions of his first hours on planet earth; learn where his mother hid him, and why his family sent him down the river.
Parshah Insights: Shemot
Parshah Mnemonics: Shemot
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Shemot contains 124 verses and the mnemonic for are the words ‘vayikach’ and ‘maday’. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Chumash Classes: Shemot
Beast of Burden
Audio | 57:32
Beast of Burden
The History and Destiny of Moses' Donkey
An analysis of Rashi’s commentary regarding the donkey that Moses uses to transport his wife and children down to Egypt (Exodus 4.20). The class concludes with a profoundly spiritual and personal message. (Likutei Sichos vol. 31)
Unleashing Inner Freedom!
Exodus opens with re-narrating the details of the descent into Egypt that's already been copiously documented. This seeming redundancy serves as our initial point of departure. Following fairly simplistic elucidation, we swiftly move into esoteric metaphor, terminology and ideas – the very notion of which appears irreconcilable. The ensuing wide-ranging discussion presents profound insight into foundational details of the human condition with Kabbalistic ideas, which serve to effectively illuminate why only through a continuing pattern of proverbial Exile and Exodus, can we set free the deepest essence of our consciousness!
Hashem’s Mercy
Audio | 43:31
Hashem’s Mercy
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on saying G-d’s name
When G-d enlists Moshe to redeem the Jews from Egypt, Moshe wants to know which Divine name he should share with the Children of Israel. Rashi sees a profound lesson in that question. (Exodus 3:13-15)
Daily Chumash: Shemot
It's All in the Name
A deeper look into the names of Miriam, Moshe and G-d, and how understanding our own names and abilities can help us access our soul powers.
Prozac for the Soul?
Discover the power of your mind and thoughts to determine your own positive reality. Internalizing the essence of Divine Providence leads to a happier disposition in knowing that Hashem has your back.
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