Veteran emissary Rabbi Moshe Feller, director of Upper Midwest Chabad-Lubavitch, opened the U.S. Senate on June 11, corresponding to the third day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, the 19th anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.

In his invocation broadcast on C-Span, Feller mentioned the importance of the seven Noahide laws that are incumbent on humankind, and prayed that America be blessed by the merit of the Rebbe, a place he referred to as a "country of kindness."

Feller has opened the Senate many times, and recalled that in 1989 the Rebbe asked him to share the content of his invocation with other shluchim (emissaries) and leaders. The Rebbe remarked that he liked the prayer, which was the "opening" of the Senate session at that time, and especially the "opening of the opening," referring to the sheva mitzvos, or seven Noahide laws.