A Russian-language periodical that has been reaching Jewish women throughout Eastern Europe celebrated a milestone in its decade-long publishing history with the recent release of its 100th issue.
Distributed to some 100,000 subscribers in 80 cities in some 17 countries in the former Soviet Union, The World of Jewish Women is published monthly from the offices of the Jewish community of Lugansk, Ukraine, and is underwritten by philanthropist Lev Leviev and his Ohr Avner Foundation. Drawing on the contributions of authors throughout the world, the magazine – which launched an online version six months ago at Jewishwoman.ru – focuses on Jewish philosophy and ethics, profiles of women leaders, and columns on cuisine, healthy lifestyles, beauty and fashion.
“The magazine presents Jewish values in a format that is interesting for its readers,” said the magazine’s editor, Chana Gopin, a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary who also directs the Chaya Mushka women’s club in Lugansk. Although women’s participation in communal activities is on the rise, “there are many young and middle-aged women who are not yet actively involved in Jewish life. We are primarily addressing them in our magazine.”
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