Immediately following his escape to the shores of America in 1940, the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe founded a network of Jewish Educational programs including a multi-lingual publishing house for Jewish educational literature, as well as works of Chassidic Philosophy in many languages.

The Rebbe proclaimed that the main purpose of his coming to the U.S.A. was to spread the study of Torah and the observance of Mitzvos; to prove that "America is not different," and that it could be made into a citadel of Torah life and study. Often the discourses speak of the lessons to be learned from the earth-shattering events of the time and their connection to the coming of Moshiach."

Of the first publications of his publishing house, was the monthly journal, "Hakeria Vehakedusha" which featured Chassidic discourses of the Rebbe written in Yiddish during the years 1941-1945. These discourses were later published in one volume entitled Sefer Hama'amarim - Yiddish.

Many of the ma'amarim have as their central theme the concepts of self sacrifice for G d and Judaism, repentance, and strengthening the observance of Torah and mitzvos. Those were years of turbulence and often the ma'amarim speak of the lessons to be learned from the earth-shattering events of the time and their connection to the coming of Moshiach.

This book presents these discourses for the first time to the English Speaking public and are accessible even to those who have never yet entered the portals of Chassidic philosophy.