Where can one find online the English translation for laws of torah study in yoreh deah.It was already published by kehot Reply
We do not have the English translation available yet, the Hebrew text can be found on chabad.org/Torahtexts Reply
Are there any updates with Yoreh Deah (volumes 11 and 12)? Reply
Looking for Volume 11. Is it available? Reply
Amazing work. Firstly why don't you have a introduction of all the different printing in the beginning?Aslo why don't you add a index for the 39 melachos in the back page of Hilchos shabbos? Many time people want to learn a specific melacha but are confused we're to find it expessially since it sometimes is found in more than one siman. (I already made one and would be happy to share it) Reply
where can I find choshen mispat Reply
You have to purchase it via Kehot.com or Amazon. You won't find it anywhere online published. Reply
Laws of Chanukah, Purim, and "other blessings" are missing Reply
I understood that the Rav's house burnt down, and a good part of the manuscript was lost. What we have is those parts that were saved. Reply
216 to 241 is missing Reply
Are the other sections available like yoreh de'ah etc? Reply
When was the Shulchan Aruch of the Alter Rebbe first printed? Reply
1816 in Kapost was the first printing by his children. However, there were published segments during the lifetime of the Alter Rebbe. Hilchos Talmud Torah printed Shklov in 1794.The Luach Birchos Hanenenin printed in Shklov in 1800.You can see an electronic version of the first print in the following link:chabadlibrarybooks.com/pdfpager.aspx?req=24691&st=&pgnum=1 Reply
Is the entire Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Oruch Yoreh Deah being translated into English?How many vol will it be?Thank you Reply
Theyre just releasing the final volume of Orach Chaim vol#9 on hilchos yom tov. Then theyre going to be working on translating Yoreh deah finally as the final segment to complete for the series. So given that orach chaim is 10 volumes of the alter rebbes shulchan aruch weiss edition, and choshen mishpat is volume 12, yoreh deah will probably be 1 volume as volume 11. Reply
That's big news. Thank you Reply
Correction, Yoreh Deah is already being worked on as we speak. a further update. Reply
Why are Chapters 480-581 missing? Reply
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