Hiddur Mitzvah |
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Hiddur Mitzvah: (lit. “enhancement of the mitzvah” or "beautification of the mitzvah); enhancement or meticulous observance of a mitzvah (divine commandment) beyond the formal demands of the law.
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Something Spiritual on Sukkot
When given an opportunity to earn more dollars, few people will say, “Why bother? I can manage with the bare necessities.” Why would the spiritual quality of life be any less important?
A synagogue can be a humble hut—but we need to demonstrate what our values are and where our priorities lie. To give honor and glory by beautifying His Holy House is one way...
I have a menorah, it is gold-plated, it cost about $50. To buy anything better, anything more expensive, would have seemed self-indulgent; who would benefit but my own family and the shopkeeper?
The dwelling is simple, but the mitzvah is beautified.
Chanukah, 5742
The unique Chanukah phenomenon that everyone practices the Mitzvah in its utmost excellent manner- "Mehadrin Min HaMehadrin," affects all of our actions throughout the year, and causes G-d to respond in a parallal manner.
The Talmud on Chanukah, Lesson 2
This class will be examining the Talmud’s discussion on how many Chanukah lights should be kindled on each night of Chanukah. Explore the different opinions and possibilities and their respective reasoning. If you think it’s simple, then it may be a lot m...
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