(I'm copying here an article that appeared in our news section — N.S.)

As these lines are being written, the hearts and minds of people all over the world are with our brothers and sisters in Mumbai;

With little Moishe'le Holzberg, miraculously rescued from the besieged Mombai Chabad House, who celebrates his second birthday this Shabbat, without his parents, who were both killed in the attack;

With Moishe'le's grandparents, the parents of Rabbi Gabi and Rivki Holtzberg, mourning the loss of the young couple, the beloved, dynamic co-directors of the Mumbai Chabad House, who cut down in the prime of their lives by cruel and vicious terrorists;

With Gabi and Rivki's extended family of thousands of brothers and sisters, the Chabad emissaries around the world, traumatized and saddened by the terrible tragedy;

Most of us are hundreds or thousands of miles away; yet our very being cries out: What can I do to help?

Yes, there is something we can do.

A mitzvah, a G‑dly deed, has the power to reach deep into the core of our being--where we are all one, and the physical distance between us is of no consequence. At this core, a positive deed on our part can help bring peace and goodness to this troubled world.

What better way to mark little Moishe'le's birthday, and to salute the bravery of his courageous parents, than to perpetuate their lives—lives they devoted to bringing goodness and G‑dliness into our hurting world!

Take a minute to do one or more of the following. You can make a difference.

  • Light Shabbat candles! Jewish women, light a candle tonight! Click here for instructions and local lighting times.
  • Tefillin: If you already put on tefillin every day, encourage a friend to do so. If you don't yet, now is a good time to start! Click here to find out how to put this important mitzvah into practice or contact your local Chabad center for assistance.
  • Torah study (suggestion: our Daily Study page contains selections from the Torah)
  • Say a prayer (suggestion: Psalm 20 is traditionally said in times of distress)
  • Charity and acts of kindness: Put a coin in a charity box, give a gift of money to a fellow in need or to a charitable cause, or extend a helping hand to someone who needs it.
  • Mezuzah: If you don't yet have a mezuzah get one now! If you already do have one, it may be time to have it checked to ensure that the words on the parchment have not faded. Click here for more information about this special mitzvah.