We left Oklahoma City with plenty of time for our two-hour drive to Fort Sill — the largest U.S. Army training base in the country. Our prearranged security clearance got us through the gate, but then we realized that we were in trouble. There are 15,000 soldiers on base, and it stretches miles and miles in each direction. How would we find the part of the base we were looking for?
We needed to find the chapel where we were told that there was a group of Jewish soldiers and the N.C.O.I.C. awaiting our arrival.
We stopped at the base hospital where we were greeted with a "What can I do for you sir?!" We asked where the chapel was and were given some directions ("Affirmative, Sir!"). We passed by many soldiers doing basic training — being shouted at and bossed around by a drill sergeant who was relaxing in the shade.
At last, we found the chapel!
We received standard-issue military kippas, a general rundown on being Jewish in the army, and got right down to business. We introduced ourselves and lead a prayer for all the men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces and the I.D.F.
We then served a delicious kosher lunch which was enjoyed by all, complete with a lesson on kosher laws, symbols, and what makes food kosher.
We were treated to tour of the base, got a close-up look at the life of soldiers, and even a lesson on ranks and the chain of command.
What a day!