Though Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru, the only Jewish presence is the ancient cemetery.
As we were roaming the Plaza de Armas (city center) drumming up interest for our Shabbat services, we were shocked to see a Mezuzah on the door of a Radio Shack. Unfortunately, it was hanging on the left side of the door, instead of the traditional right.
We went inside to investigate. None of the workers was Jewish or even knew what the funny thing on the door was.
We contacted Rabbi Blumenfeld in Lima to see if he had a clue. He told us that the owner of Radio Shack in Peru is a Jew named Rafael who is a close friend of his. A few hours later, he told us that Rafael had arranged with his manager in Arequipa that the rabinos with the sombreros should affix small cases on the doors of all of his stores in Arequipa.
After fixing the Mezuzah on the first store, we continued to the second and third locations.
One of the people who joined us for Shabbat was at the mall when we were affixing a Mezuzah on the Radio Shack there. After our departure, all of the employees and many bystanders came to check out this new gadget on the door. Understandably, the Peruvians didn't have the slightest idea what it was. With pride, our friend answered all of their questions and let them know about our special security system.
So keep your eyes open, and you never know what may come your way.