They cover our body and reveal our soul. They enhance one trait, embellish another, camouflage a third, and even tailor us a whole new identity. They are our filter and mirror, our badge and disguise, our defense against the world and the part of ourselves most susceptible to its influence.
From a philosopher's skullcap to a soldier's boots, from the Chassid's long black coat to a poor bride's trousseau, from the three garments of the soul (thought, speech and action) to the High Priest's eight vestments (the breastplate, apron, cloak, crown, turban, tunic, belt and breeches), from Jacob's historic disguise to a vision of G‑d in the laundry room, clothes, in their various functions and forms, are the topic of this anthology of stories, sayings and essays:
The Removable Self
by Yanki Tauber
In the Fitting Room of the Soul
by Chana Weisberg
Why the Long Black Coat?
by Yrachmiel Tilles
The Man in the Glass Case
by Dr. Yitzchok Block
A Soldier's Boots
by Colonel Jacob Z. Goldstein
G‑d in the Laundry Room
by Chana Weisberg
Faking It
by Yanki Tauber
New Clothes
told by the Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch
A Rebbe Goes Shopping
told by the Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch
The Second Suit
a Chassidic story
a Chassidic story
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