Like millions around the world, when we powered up our devices after Shabbat, we were distressed to learn about what’s happening at Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas.
Along with the entire Jewish nation, and billions of fellow humans, we pray for a peaceful and safe outcome.
In the meantime, here are some things you can do, wherever you are, to bring spiritual protection to our beleaguered brethren:
- Say Psalm 20
- Give tzedakah
- Take on a special mitzvah in their merit
Keep on praying! it’s a mitzvah to call out to G‑d in a time of need. No matter which language you use, G‑d hears all prayers.
Bearing in mind the Chassidic call to “think good, and it will be good,” let’s keep our thoughts faithful, positive, and hopeful!
The Team