Who Can Be My Mentor?
Purim, 5747 • March 15, 1987
Who Can Be My Mentor?: Purim, 5747 • March 15, 1987Torah instructs: “Provide yourself with a mentor.” But how does one know who to choose as a spiritual guide?
The Talmud Tractate Berachos teaches: “A mentor must be like an angel of G-d”. In his code of Jewish law, Maimonides offers a clue to the conduct of an angel: He describes the future world, “when there will be no envy, rivalry, war or hatred,” and concludes: “At that time the righteous will resemble the Ministering Angels.” So to resemble an angel of G-d means, to be free of the corruptions of one’s body.
Who Can Be My Mentor?
Purim, 5747 • March 15, 1987
Disc 36, Program 142
Event Date: 14 Adar 5747 - March 15, 1987
Torah instructs: “Provide yourself with a mentor.” But how does one know who to choose as a spiritual guide? The Talmud Tractate Berachos teaches: “A mentor must be like an angel of G-d”. In his code of Jewish law, Maimonides offers a clue to the conduct of an angel: He describes the future world, “when there will be no envy, rivalry, war or hatred,” and concludes: “At that time the righteous will resemble the Ministering Angels.” So to resemble an angel of G-d means, to be free of the corruptions of one’s body. The Talmud Tractate Yevamos also offers insight: “There are three identifying signs of a Jew: He is modest, compassionate, and giving.” Observe whether the potential mentor has these selfless qualities. If he does, one may confidently turn to him for spiritual direction and life-guidance. |
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