Dear Reader,
I’m Chana Weisberg, editor of and I want to let you know about an exciting new initiative that has undertaken.
“Our 613: The 613 Mitzvot Through the Eyes of Women” is a daily series of short videos on Sefer Hamitzvot, Maimonides’ Book of Mitzvahs, concisely explaining each of the 613 commandments. These short videos (about 3-5 minutes each) are taught by women in a relatable, relevant way from a personal perspective.
The Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—instituted a daily study cycle based on level, whereby the entire work of Maimonides is completed on a regular basis by every Jewish man, woman and child. The Rebbe explained that when we all study the same Torah subject on the same day, our learning is united across continents. This brings us closer to each other, contributing to Jewish unity.
You can find Our 613 on’s daily study page under the Daily Mitzvah. We have also set up a daily podcast. Subscribe to our RSS feed here.
We’re very excited about this initiative! Please join us in studying Our 613 daily with us! We’re sure you are going to learn a lot and love doing so!
Chana Weisberg,
Editor, TJW