Sometimes things happen just so, and we feel G‑d smiling down on us, encouraging us in our work. Here’s a little something that happened to us last week.

You may be familiar with The Scroll, a print publication we mail out weekly to thousands of subscribers all over the world.

We got an email from a regular reader telling us that he had too much to read and that he wished to stop his subscription to The Scroll. However, recognizing how valuable The Scroll is, he asked us to donate his subscription to someone in need.

By Divine providence, we had recently received a request from an inmate, who was hungering for Jewish information and inspiration.

We were glad to inform him that he would be getting The Scroll courtesy of a stranger, who wished to remain anonymous. Upon telling the kind donor about what had been done, his reply just blew us away: That’s wonderful and I too was incarcerated years ago and was blessed to have such holy material mailed to me. What a wonderful thing!

We asked the inmate-turned-benefactor if he had a message for our readers, and this is what he shared: No matter how low one gets in life whether voluntarily or involuntarily (I think of Joseph or Samson!) G‑d is there for those who seek after him wholeheartedly and listens to their prayers!

And the cycle of kindness came full circle...

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