
Education Day, U.S.A.

11 Nissan, 5742 • April 4, 1982

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Education Day, U.S.A.: 11 Nissan, 5742 • April 4, 1982

As representative of the Lubavitch Movement, I was honored to receive a letter from the President of the United States, together with a Declaration to all US citizens, proclaiming the 11th of Nissan as “Education Day.”
Education and Sharing Day, USA, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Education Day, U.S.A.
11 Nissan, 5742 • April 4, 1982
Disc 34, Program 133

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5742 - April 04, 1982

As representative of the Lubavitch Movement, I was honored to receive a letter from the President of the United States, together with a Declaration to all US citizens, proclaiming the 11th of Nissan as “Education Day.”

Education is the bedrock for all civilized life. But proper education begins with the simple, yet absolutely vital question: Why was I created? And the answer is: “I was created to serve my Creator” – to be an emissary of G-d, “Whose way is peace” and “Whose name is Peace” – to promote peace and unity throughout the world.

This is a day for all people to reflect on their G-dly mission and purpose, and to reaffirm their commitment to the principles which are singled out and emphasized in this Declaration – the Seven Noahide Laws for all mankind.

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Janet March 27, 2023

Thank you! Reply

Sarah Thomas Philadelphia November 26, 2017

I'm so supportive of the Truth of the Torah and the Holy King being in complete control of his created beings when they avoid sin and know that Torah wants the best for them during life and after, that are willing to teshuva and learn the laws of the land for a good society and loving the father of souls who makes people in the image of Hashem Torah self, it is very beautiful when a person wants to love the Holy One and accepts the Torah to learn it with joy. Pretending is not good enough , knowing the truth about Torah and doing what ever others are into and might not know is bad for them, rebuke a child in his youth is showing a child love, to know better and love the Holy King who desires holiness and Torah knowledge more so then burnt offerings is being a responsible person.

Support Love of Hashem Torah and life of Torah , Torah is a tree of life for all who grasp it. Bless the Torah! Reply

Catherine Bibiana Hodge Saffron Walden March 27, 2023
in response to Sarah Thomas:

Blessed are you oh Lord who has given us the Torah it's ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. Blessed are you oh Lord. Amen. Reply