Since came online in the early 1990s, daily study has always been a cornerstone of and one of our most popular features. Making it easy for visitors to study the daily portion of Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya, Rambam’s Mishneh Torah and more has always been a priority and one that continues to expand and evolve.

For more than a decade, students of the daily Mishneh Torah have enjoyed the ease of learning from the original Hebrew text alongside Rabbi Eli Touger’s English translation, graciously shared by Moznaim publishers, a leading publisher of Judaic classics. (The full set of Mishneh Torah can be purchased here.)

In honor of 10 Shevat, which marks 70 years of the Rebbe’s leadership, we are delighted to share that the Hebrew text will now display with vowels (nekkudot), which will enable students of all backgrounds and levels of education to be able to partake in this daily study track in the original.

This upgrade is the product of a collaboration between’s technology and content teams, who are focused on making our growing selection of classic Jewish texts more accessible.

Access today’s portion, newly vowelized, here.