
A Moment to Save the World – Part 3

10 Shevat, 5743 • January 24, 1983

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A Moment to Save the World – Part 3: 10 Shevat, 5743 • January 24, 1983

Those who oppose silent prayer in public schools, cite the separation of religion and state as the basis to eliminate religion from the public arena. However, this ignores the reason the law was established in the first place: to protect the freedom of religious expression of the original settlers in this country. This modern-day repression of democracy goes against the intention of the authors of the Constitution.
Moment of Silence, Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Moment to Save the World – Part 3
10 Shevat, 5743 • January 24, 1983
Disc 29, Program 113

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5743 - January 24, 1983

Those who oppose silent prayer in public schools, cite the separation of religion and state as the basis to eliminate religion from the public arena. However, this ignores the reason the law was established in the first place: to protect the freedom of religious expression of the original settlers in this country. This modern-day repression of democracy goes against the intention of the authors of the Constitution.

But even if the Constitution clearly forbade silent prayer in public schools, it would be our duty to change the law today. The Constitution itself calls for amendments based on the evolving needs of each generation, to do what is best for the people. Recent studies show an inordinate rate of delinquency amongst children brought up without religious instruction, compared to children raised with G-d in their lives. It is the responsibility of the American People to assert the true spirit of the law – “By the People, For the People.”

Living Torah

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