
From the Chassidic Masters

The Cosmic Fantasy
Whither all these dreams?
Why are there so many dreams in the book of Genesis?
The Inner Strength of Menasseh and Ephraim
In every travail (Joseph) there is a challenge (Menasseh) and an opportunity (Ephraim)
The Prostration of the Shepherds
For Joseph’s dreams to be fulfilled, Jacob had to mourn the loss of his beloved son for twenty-two years, and Joseph had to experience slavery and incarceration, and his brothers anguished remorse, for that same period. Why was it so important that Jacob and his sons “bow down” to Joseph?
A Rift Extending Across History
From the rivalry between Leah and Rachel, through the animosity between Joseph and his brothers, the clash between Saul and David, the split between Judah and Israel, to the dual nature of the messianic redemption—a rift and twinship that extends across history.
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