Forty years ago, in the summer of 1976, the Rebbe launched his campaign to encourage Jewish education. The campaign included a novel idea: 12 passages culled from Scripture, rabbinic literature, and Chassidic teachings for children to learn, memorize and chant.
Known as the “Twelve Pesukim,” the passages have become a staple at holiday rallies, birthday parties and other children’s gatherings.
The Rebbe’s inspired view was that these passages together form the bedrock of Torah theology, especially relevant in today’s day and age. He maintained that it was very important to equip Jewish children with the spiritual strength needed to face the current challenges by ensuring that they internalized and memorize these 12 passages.
But what is the significance of these passages and why were they chosen? Join Rabbi Mendel Kaplan for an exciting 12-part video series as he explores each passage and uncovers layers of rich meaning behind these pithy statements. Along the way you will discover an incredible set of comprehensive responses to the pressing issues and challenges of this modern age couched in these 12 steps towards a better life.
The course begins on Tuesday with new classes being released every week.
You can view the first class here.