Dear Friend,
Next Tuesday is the 11th of Nissan, the anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.
Chassidim often talked of a “birthday gift” for the Rebbe. Of course they did not give the Rebbe ties or cakes. Knowing that the Rebbe prized our efforts to make the world a more G‑dly place, the gifts chassidim gave—and still give—are mitzvahs performed, Talmud tractates mastered, chassidic discourses learned and internalized, and kindness done for others.
Since the Rebbe’s birthday is just before Passover, this would often take the form of round, handmade shmurah matzah distributed to Jews who would not otherwise not have this special food on their Seder tables, or Seder invites for people with no Seder tables.
Right now is the time to give a fellow Jew the gift of Passover. Send a matzah, extend an invite, or just reach out in friendship. And if you need a spot at the table, please don’t be shy. We’ll be glad to host you.
The Editorial Team