Dear Friend,

I recently read a fascinating study on body language. Upright posture equals confidence, open hands equals interest, folded arms equals resistance, etc. But the author took it one step further. What happens when people posture, assuming external positions they don’t really feel?

Surprisingly, observers could not distinguish between genuine and fake confidence. Not only that, but the fakers themselves started to feel the way they looked. A change in body language apparently causes a change of heart.

We will soon celebrate Purim—that holiday when we are to be deliriously happy. But what if you’re not up to it? Your cantankerous boss, the dirty dishes in the sink, the needy kids or the lack thereof . . . we all have good reasons why it’s difficult to be happy right now.

But we can fake it. When all you want to do is go to sleep, pour your last energies into a springy step and an easy laugh. Go ahead and fake it till you make it.

The truth is, you’re not faking. Deep down, we each have a G‑dly soul—a piece of G‑d himself. Is that not reason to jump for joy?

Rabbi Mendy Kaminker,
on behalf of the Editorial Team