By the Grace of G‑d

Dear Friend,

As a regular subscriber to, we wanted to share with you some exciting news.

During the past couple of years our team has been laboring to build the all-new website to significantly improve the experience you have come to rely on.

We’ve invested thousands of hours of programming, design and testing to effect this transformation, leaving no stone unturned.

In order to give you quicker and easier access to the information you and so many others across the globe desire, we’ve completely revamped the informational structure of the site, and we revised its layout to give you a more pleasant and intuitive experience.

We are thus very proud to announce that the all-new, the world’s largest Jewish website, reinvented with you in mind, is now open to all!

We’d like to invite you to come in and visit this all-new tool for Jewish learning and living and check out the new features designed especially for you.

Click here to access the all-new

Needless to say, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please click here to contact us and share your thoughts with us. We will do our best to incorporate as many of the ideas we receive from you as we possibly can.

We wish you a healthy and productive summer, both materially and spiritually.


The Team

P.S. We are currently in the period of time known in Judaism as “the Three Weeks,” when we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and pray for a world transformed (click here for more information). It is our sincere hope and prayer that the dissemination of the G‑dly wisdom found in His Torah will hasten the time of ultimate good, with the coming of our righteous Moshiach, when “the earth would be filled with knowledge of G‑d, as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:6-9)