
Does Law Have to Make Sense?

Halachah and the limits of rationality

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Does Law Have to Make Sense?: Halachah and the limits of rationality

Professor Rabbi Ozer Glickman of Yeshiva University posits a “legal theory” of Torah law that compares and contrasts the ideas of morality, legality, rationality and obligation.
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Halacha, Reason and Supra-rationality, Law; Jurisprudence, Morality; Ethics; Values

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1 Comment
Anonymous Logan, 1578 August 11, 2011

logic in law My pup doesn't understand certain prohibitions of mine- no chicken bones, no running the neighborhood off leash, no dog park when certain dogs are present, and more. The prohibitions are for his safety, due to my love for him. They go against all his logic, but I am the one with the big picture. Reply