
Practical Spirituality

An Overview of Tanya

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Practical Spirituality: An Overview of Tanya

A fast and exciting tour of the structure, contents and flow of Tanya, the foundational text of the Chabad system of chassidism. Perfect for complete beginners and seasoned scholars alike.
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Kislev 19, Chassidism, Tanya

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anon December 2, 2024

so is there a part 2 to this which finishes the rest of the tanya chapter summaries Reply

Gabriel Mondragon December 14, 2022

Watching this as I'm drawing and figure y drawn art is classified as thought, in terms of the 3 types of expression Reply

Carl NJ July 5, 2022

This was a very good use of an hour and half of my time. Thank you! 🌞 Reply

Lynzkie love May 21, 2022

I wish i can have that book. . Reply

Mario Houston April 24, 2021

Turkey Day he said? Gosh we can be more respectful than that especially when you are trying to be a teacher. Reply

Rebekah NY April 6, 2021

Thank you for this extremely insightful and inspiring presentation! Reply

Yosef Kagan New York August 23, 2020

Excellent teacher!
Understood this class and found it very mature and empowering. Reply

Dean Fiacco Asheville March 31, 2020

Thank goodness for this study Reply

Cherie Ottawa, Canada December 18, 2018

Hello Rabbi,

I stumbled across your talk while searching for Torah study lectures, and I`ve gotta say: Wow. What a wonderful, down to earth and practical way you have of explaining how one can grow closer to God. I am going through the process of conversion and I`m excited to learn more ways in which I can strengthen my spiritual growth. Thank you for this great lecture! Reply

Rebecca Melbourne, Australia February 11, 2018

Thank you for your wonderful teaching, Rabbi Taub Reply

Anonymous April 7, 2016

Where is the map Where can I get a copy of the map? Can you download a pdf off the Internet? Reply

Larry illinois July 24, 2018
in response to Anonymous:

where can I get a copy of the chart please? Reply

Eliyahu Ontario, Canada February 2, 2015

To Chaya's Question Just my opinion but in a simple way should we not aim for the highest goal ? Even if we can't reach it, we can surely reach half of the promise and not be a rasha?

Sort of like reach for the stars, and you will grasp the top branches of the trees... Reply

Elisha Canada December 11, 2014

LaShana Tova Rabbi Shais Taub While we have studied Torah for the past few years, the depth and breath of your learning is truly from the source, and I thank him regularly, for revealing so clearly your interpretation, the healthiness of mind, or maybe being one with Hashem gives my jewish soul essense and then more to expand on & build. Forever gratitude. Kind of remind me of my dad, there are a few folks whose mind has taught the heart. B'H' for the wholeness of Tanya Study. Reply

Chaya bracha Leiter November 30, 2014

If the best we can be is a Benoni, then why do we take an oath to become a tzaddik? We discussed this question quite a lot and would like to hear what other teachers answer Reply

Pamela Cole Boston MA October 2, 2014

intro to Tanya Thank you for this online teaching and thank you for your book "G-d of Our Understanding". I encountered the Tanya after 30 years in AA. I experience it as the next step in recovery, totally congruent with all that got me to this place. You book helped me understand why I felt that Twelve Step programs are totally compatible with Judaism.

Pamela Reply

solomon naiem-cohen los angeles February 17, 2013

intro to tanya Thank you for your Wonderfull introductory lecture. Shalom. Reply

william savigne January 12, 2013

shalom where can i find a Rebbe to learn tanya Reply

william savigne January 12, 2013

great teaching where can i get authentic Tanya manual? Reply

pedroq quz September 23, 2012

rabbi more you are an inspiration...please submit more.... give all of us more Reply

Mr. pedroq quz September 12, 2012

sounds similar like the buddism belief that one battles against himself.

where buddha was confronted by evil and could not move the buddha to give in..

he defeated temptations by evil but acknowledging he was fighting against himself rather than an external force of evil Reply

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