The world is catching up.

This idea has been highlighted by the recent "Times Square Scare" (a pretty catchy description...). In the wake of the incident, Homeland Security's slogan, "If you see something, say something!", which motivated a street peddler to alert the authorities about a smoldering SUV, has received much prominence. A clever phrase helped save the day. In fact, it's being referred to as the Homeland Security's equivalent of Nike's "Just Do It!"

Hey, that's been the ethos of this blog all along: the teaching of the Baal Shem Tov that everything a person sees or hears is an opportunity to learn a lesson in the service of G‑d.

When Moses encountered the burning bush, the Torah emphasizes that only after G‑d saw that Moses had approached to investigate (another smoldering phenomenon) did He call out to him. Others may have walked right past the thorn bush, oblivious to its paradox; perhaps others did notice and ignored it, dismissing it as a curiosity and moving on. Moses paid heed to the message; is that why he could be G‑d's messenger? Was it because he paid attention and took the time to discover the lesson that G‑d entrusted him with leading His people?

There are burning bushes all around us—signals from G‑d. We have to be attentive, notice these events, and look for their G‑dly message. An enslaved nation's freedom might depend on it.

Which leads me to the other slogan I referenced before: "Just Do It!"

It has worked wonders to sell athletic apparel; so it's no surprise that – since way before the sneaker was invented – it’s been working wonders to make the world a G‑dlier place.

It recalls a quote from the first chapter of Ethics of our Fathers: "It is not the discussion that is primary, it's the deed." The Rebbe's mitzvah campaigns highlight this motto. You might know the script: "Excuse me, are you Jewish? Please put on tefillin or shake the lulav. What is that you're saying? You don't understand the depth of this mitzvah, unsure of what is inside the black leather boxes? We'll discuss that later. For right now, 'Just Do It!'"

Maimonides instructs us to, under all circumstances, view ourselves, our communities, in fact the whole world, as being in perfect balance—and the next holy thought, word or act will tip the scales and bring redemption to oneself and all of creation.

So, if you see something, learn something. And when a mitzvah option is in your path – whether you appreciate all its nuances or not – just do it!

The world will thank you.