In addition to the correspondence regarding the evolution of Education Day U.S.A. that we are publishing this week in honor of the anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe, of righteous memory, we present here a short correspondence between the Rebbe and President Carter following the Rebbe's heart attack in 1977.

White House DC
Oct 7 [1977]
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213

I was sorry to learn of your illness. I hope that you will be strengthened knowing that the thoughts and prayers of your many followers and admirers, both here and abroad, are with you.

Jimmy Carter

Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213

By the Grace of G‑d
29 Tishrei, 5738
October 11, 1977
Brooklyn, N.Y.

President Jimmy Carter
The White House
Washington, D. C.

Greeting and Blessing:

I thank you, dear Mr. President, for your kind telegram in connection with my recent illness. Your warm expression of concern for my health is deeply appreciated.

With the help of G‑d - the "Healer of All Flesh Who Works Wondrously" (as we praise Him daily in our prayers) - my recovery has been most satisfactory, I have already been able to resume my duties.

With prayerful wishes for your continued good health and for success in carrying out in the fullest measure the enormous responsibilities which Divine Providence has bestowed on you, and

With esteem and blessing,

M Schneerson