
59,023. That's how many people took a minute of their time last week to vote for Friendship Circle. 59,023 people carried my favorite organization to #4 out of 100 non-profits in the Chase Community Giving Challenge. 59,023 people took the time to think about children with special needs and show their support.

16,289. That's how many people watched a YouTube video of us 190 volunteers freezing in place at the Pistons game last week. Freeze for Friendship caught the attention of thousands of sports fans who came to watch a game, and left inspired. That night the Pistons won; six days later Friendship Circle won.

2,900,000. That's how many people watch the Early Morning Show on CBS. I was watching, too, and in the crowd of 150 Friendship Circle volunteers I recognized faces. Hey, I just met Jessica at the International Conference a few weeks ago; how did she get famous so quickly?

Now let's try facts.

How about the fact that my Facebook feed was filled with the same "Vote for Friendship Circle" icon all week long, because my friends changed their profile pictures to show support for us? (Can you guys change your pictures back to your faces? I really miss you!)

How about the fact that we are up there with cool organizations like Invisible Children and TWLOHA?

How about the fact that all my friends are begging me for my American Apparel "VOTE FC" tee-shirt? (Thanks, American Apparel, for sponsoring! You guys are awesome.)

Now for the number and fact that matters.

Josh is 5, and this week he got his first volunteer. Her name is Amanda. I know her from school, and I always thought she was a snob. You know, the kind of girl who is always judging you. We were standing outside school giving out "VOTE FC" cards when Amanda passed by. I raised some courage, gave her a card and asked her to vote. Amanda wanted to know what Friendship Circle is. I shared some of my enthusiasm and inspiration with her, and Amanda said, okay, I'll vote, but where do I sign up to volunteer? So, Josh finally has a visiting volunteer, Amanda has a big mitzvah, and I have a new friend. Now that's a fact that matters.

Chase Bank, can you hear me?