Think about it: our behavior is our feedback to G‑d, our response to His gift of life, as clouds are earth's feedback (in the form of vapor) to the warmth of the sun...
Emotion is your psyche's fire. And, like fire, we need to treat it carefully. Like fire, emotions have great function; but, like fire, we can't let them get out of hand.
So often, we know that we shouldn't act a certain way; and then we go do it anyway. Maybe it's eating french fries after the doctor warned against it; maybe it's disrespecting a valued relationship.
For the record, I should state that I value moderation. I try to practice it and I teach it to my kids. So when the reporter blurted out, "You're pretty radical!" I took that as a pejorative comment...
Think about your deepest wish. I don't mean an ice cream sundae or new shoes; I mean something that strikes at your very core. How would you feel if someone made this wish a reality? Well, that's how G‑d feels when we live right...
We instinctively associate the pursuit of beauty with the pursuit of movie star glamour. So we denigrate it as vanity. But is that what beauty is? Could there conceivably be a place for beauty in a refined, holy life?
The third Lubavitcher Rebbe was approached by a disciple who was bothered by agnostic thoughts. “Why does this trouble you?” the Rebbe asked him. “Because I’m a Jew!” the man exclaimed. “In that case, you’re doing fine,” the Rebbe replied.