Infinity Labs unveils The Otifier launching a whole new series to explore the mysteries of the Hebrew Alphabet--along with some real practical lessons.
Everything starts with a point. So when Rabbi Infinity teaches the Hebrew alphabet, he starts with the letter Yud, which is a little bit stretching the point.
Having mastered the building blocks of the alefbet--the vav and the yud--Miri discovers the secret of letter number one: The Alef. It's the secret of making one out of many.
Bet may be the second letter of the aleph-bet, but it's also the first letter in the creation of the world--so it contains the whole world inside it. Sounds pretty mystical to me, but somehow Rabbi Infinity makes it simple and practical enough for his little granddaughter.
Something you may have not noticed about those Hebrew letters on the page: They're moving. Actually, they're running--in particular, the gimmel and the daled. Why are they running? Where are they going to? All this and more in this week's episode of KabbalaToons.
Plunging further into the mysteries of the universe, Rabbi Infinity reveals the secret of deep cosmic breathing as he teaches little Miri the fifth letter of the alefbet.
Rabbi Infinity takes eXtreme alefbet education to new heights when he provides Miri a first hand experience of the seventh letter of the alefbet and its secrets.
The letters hey and chet are two ways out of any mess-up: Falling down or fixing up. Join Miri in her next step through the mysteries of the alefbet as Rabbi Infinity finds just the right occasion for a great explanation.
Who would have expected that the least used letter of the alefbet could contain one of the greatest secrets of the universe? And who wouldn't have known that Rabbi Infinity could explain even that secret to a four-year old?
Finally, Rabbi Infinity gives away his key secret: How does he manage to teach the deepest Kabbalistic secrets of the universe to a four year old? It's all, you see, in the letter Lamed.
Hear that humming sound? Always there, right? Ever wonder what's going on? Find out with Miri, as she explores the motor letter of the universe. Be aMazed.
Don't miss the 50th episode of KabbalaToons, in which the secret behind all miracles is revealed! (Okay, 50 guesses what's the secret behind all miracles, starting now...)
Kabbalistically speaking, the world is wired. Just like your brain has your entire body wired, checking up on activity in every limb, so the universe has nodes of cosmic awareness planted everywhere. They're known as Ayins.
Is Rabbi Infinity a tzadik? What is a tzadik and how does he fly? How do you become one? And what's so tzadik-like about the 18th letter of the alefbet?
Kraziness has its drawbacks--or rather, drawdowns, like the letter kuf that reaches below the line. But kraziness can also reach very high. Find out how as this week's KabbalaToon episode explores the monkey-letter, kuf.
Only a nobody can be anybody. That's what makes the poor letter Resh so beautiful. It all goes back to that Kabbalistic principle: The lower you fall, the higher you are.
Three heads are better than two. A lot better. Two is antinomy, three is on a cloud. Join us as Feivel and Miri discover their cloud hidden in the secrets of the mother-letter, that shining letter of Shalom, the Shin.
Now that you know all the letters and their mystic meanings, you need to learn how to breathe life into them. You see, letters are just bodies. You provide the soul. A.k.a. "Nekudot".
At the same time we teach every schoolchild that one plus one equals two, in another class we teach that one plus one equals a lot more than two. It's called spelling, and that's pretty mystical if you ask me. Takes a kabbalist to know.