
Kosher Essays

Looking to dig deeper into the mystical underpinnings of kosher observance? This is the spot for advanced information and inspiration.

Nosh on This: Kosher Food Boosts the Body and Soul
The kosher status of the food we eat has a tremendous impact on our spiritual sensitivity.
Why Do We Keep Kosher?
It would be absurd to think that G-d gave us the Torah as a sort of bandage for His mistakes. "Oops! I didn't mean to put those nasty animals there! People might eat them! What do I do now?"
Nutrition in the News: Is It Kosher?
So we’ve come to realize the subtle but potentially dire effects on our food, but do we ever consider our food’s spiritual “profiles”? Does the food or drink that we consume affect us on a spiritual plane, on a soul level, influencing our character and natural tendencies?
Pigs & Judaism
Deep revulsion, but a promising future
There are plenty of other animals that aren’t kosher either, but none of them arouse as much disgust as the pig. Why?
Mevushal: Keeping Kosher Wine, Kosher
Wine has been with us since Creation.Come explore some practical examples of where the prohibition of wine handled by a non-Jew come into play.
Holy Lunch
Have you ever closed a deal, celebrated your marriage (or its anniversary), or simply spent time with a good friend—without eating something together? Why do our teeth, gullet and stomach figure so prominently in who, how, where and with whom we are?
Spiritual Molecules
Would our rabbis be more successful in getting their message across if they exchanged their black frocks for white lab coats?
The Human Biosphere
The spiritual significance of shechitah; the laws of kashrut applied to the beast, bird and fish within the soul of man
The Sages of the Talmud on Food
"The world can live without wine, but it cannot live without water; the world can live without peppers, but it cannot live without salt" and other sayings from the midrash and talmud on food and eating
The Chassidic Masters on Food
The Kabbalists teach that nestled within every created thing is an "utterance of G-d's mouth" -- the letters of Divine speech that are the instrument of its creation (as described in the first chapter of Genesis)
Fins and Scales
Is the Tide Pod Challenge Kosher?
Do Detergents Require a Kosher Certification?
One common misconception is that if something is kosher, then it must be healthy to eat.
5 Misconceptions About Keeping Kosher
With a little education—and a lot of help, support and advice from friends and others in my life—I decided to take the kosher plunge.
Tevilat Keilim in Natural Water
Metal and glass utensils that were bought from a non-Jew are to be immersed in a kosher mikvah prior to use for food.
What Is a Shochet?
A shochet must be learned in the laws of kosher slaughter and adept at sharpening and polishing his knives, known as shtellen ah chalef in Yiddish.
Is the Cosmic Crisp Apple Kosher?
When ancient farming laws meet cutting edge agriculture
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