
Press Conference on Mumbai Tragedy

November 28, 2008 12:30 PM
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Press Conference on Mumbai Tragedy

With profound sadness and deep sorrow we received the definitive news a short while ago, confirming the brutal murder of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah holtzberg…
Mumbai Terror Attack (2008)

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PMHoro Delhi, India December 10, 2008

Condolence I am deeply appalled by the killing of Rabbi Gabriel Hotltzberg and his wife Rivika Hotltzberg in the barbaric terrorist attack on the Nariman house in Mumbai which rendered the couple two year son Moshe orphan and deprived him from the care, protection and love of his father and mother for rest of his life.No one can fill this vaccum and emptiness in little Moshe life. I share this grief and pray to God to give strength and peace of mind to Hotltzberg family & Jewish community and uphold the Little Moshe life unto his mighty hand.Let the healing of God cover the brokenness in little Moshe life. Reply

JBecerra November 30, 2008

Tragedy Baruch Dayan Emet. May G-d avenge their blood and the blood of all our innocent martyrs killee for nothing. May G-d comfort the families of all the victims and may we only hear good news from this day forth. Reply

Mrs. Rene O'Riordan Dublin, Ireland November 30, 2008

Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg My deepest sorrow at the loss of this wonderful rabbi and his wife. May the Lord comfort all who grieve the loss and bless their little son.
- Rene ( a Catholic who has always had a special love for the Jewish people) Reply

Martin Katzs L.A., ca November 30, 2008

Thsi tragic occurance in Mumbai shall serve as a reminder to all Jews accross the world, that we will not be fully secured till the coming of the Moshaich. May the memories of the Hotltzberg's remain with us for ever for their great self sacrifice. Reply

Marion I. Lipshutz Brooklyn, NY November 29, 2008

Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg I am so saddened by this senseless loss. May their memories be for a blessing! Reply

anonymous Denver, CO November 29, 2008

May their memory be for a blessing. May G-d give strength to the Chabad rabbis all around the world to continue in their important task.
Moshiach now! Reply

Jonathan London, England via November 29, 2008

Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg May the Almighty comfort the mourners. We are outraged at this barbaric act. Reply

Rev Frantz S.Iago-Peretz Reading, PA November 29, 2008

Barukh Dayan Emet Dear Rabbis of the CHABAD,
It is with deep sorrow and sadness that we received the painful tragic news about the events at the Chabad House in Mumbai. We will remember the Rabbis and their families in our prayers. We hold to the hope of the day of resurrection, when the Mashiach will come and establishes peace and justice over all the earth.
Shalom uvrakha
Respectfully Reply

Anonymous Edinburgh, Scotland November 29, 2008

Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg There are no words which can express the sorrow of this loss. We have lost two of hour best. Reply

AD brisbane, qld via November 29, 2008

Mumbai Bauch dayan emet!!
Have always had huge respect for Chabadnick's i have met while travelling in some far flung places, you really are special people...keep up the excellent Mitzvot...we will never let them win...AM yisroel Chai!! Reply

Ron Halpern Ventura, CA via November 28, 2008

Mumbai attack We are so sorry this happened. Are heart and soul go out to the Chabad Familily and Holtzbergs famiily. We could all be victims of these terrorists anywhere in the world because we are Jews. Reformed, Conservative or Orthodox. We are all targets. Let's us unite together now! Reply

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Special section to remember the cruel murders of Gavriel (Gabi) and Rivky Holtzberg, beloved directors of Chabad of Mumbai. The story of the Holtzbergs' legacy of light.
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