The Rest of the Story
Audio | 56:14
The forces of evil in Soviet Russia seemed formidable, but not when faced with the forces of G-dliness. The story of a handful of Chassidim who stood firm in their faith and practice, outlasting their enemies.
Audio | 48:28
Many facets of the existence of a Tazaddik are explained in a Midrash describing the passing of Moshe. A story of the Rebbe of Barditchev helps us better relate to these heavenly ideas.
Audio | 28:44
The tzaddik is similar to the Creator. One such similarity is the power of the word: G-d said “let there be light” and there was light, since then all of nature obeys the word of holiness when uttered by a tzaddik.
Audio | 27:52
The story of the spies that Moses sent to the land of Israel receives considerable attention in Chassidic literature, giving it much relevance to our lives today.
Audio | 28:19
The 19th of Kislev is a historic day on the Jewish calendar, marking the liberation of the Alter Rebbe from imprisonment in 1798 by the Czarist government.
Audio | 28:13
On the 12th of Tammuz we celebrate the release of the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe from Communist imprisonment in 1927.
Audio | 28:00
The gathering of water of a mikvah is used today to ritually purify a married woman and is a preparation for procreation, but its story goes back to creation itself.
Audio | 27:54
Learning Torah illuminates the mind with the light of G-dliness. Here is a story that displays the virtue of women and Torah knowledge.
Audio | 27:15
No one loved his fellow Jews more than R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. This story paints a picture of life in Berditchev of old.
Audio | 27:52
This story helps us appreciate the difference in style and philosophy between Chabad and general Chassidus.
Audio | 27:35
This fascinating story demonstrates the ideal of weaving together Torah knowledge and pure faith.
Audio | 52:44
A few stories about the mothers, wives and daughters of the Rebbes of Chabad and their contribution to the survival and success of Chassidic teachings.
Audio | 27:26
The many Chassidim of the previous Rebbe who found themselves in the depths of Communist evil, were undeterred in their service of G-d. This narrative is one example amongst many.
Audio | 27:58
The world of the Yeshiva is a little piece of heaven on earth. The world of business offers an opportunity to make earth a piece of heaven.
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