
The Rest of the Story

Every story tells a story. The memory and record of an event deserves the title "story" only if it tells of what life is all about and how life should be lived. Presented here is a collection of stories that bring to us what life is all about.

Two Holy Men and a Tartar
The forces of evil in Soviet Russia seemed formidable, but not when faced with the forces of G-dliness. The story of a handful of Chassidim who stood firm in their faith and practice, outlasting their enemies.
Moshe Our Teacher
Audio | 48:28
Moshe Our Teacher
Many facets of the existence of a Tazaddik are explained in a Midrash describing the passing of Moshe. A story of the Rebbe of Barditchev helps us better relate to these heavenly ideas.
He Said and There Was
The tzaddik is similar to the Creator. One such similarity is the power of the word: G-d said “let there be light” and there was light, since then all of nature obeys the word of holiness when uttered by a tzaddik.
Spy vs. Spy
Audio | 27:52
Spy vs. Spy
The story of the spies that Moses sent to the land of Israel receives considerable attention in Chassidic literature, giving it much relevance to our lives today.
The Czar Visits the King
The 19th of Kislev is a historic day on the Jewish calendar, marking the liberation of the Alter Rebbe from imprisonment in 1798 by the Czarist government.
A Prince in Prison
Audio | 28:13
A Prince in Prison
On the 12th of Tammuz we celebrate the release of the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe from Communist imprisonment in 1927.
The Story of Water
Audio | 28:00
The Story of Water
The gathering of water of a mikvah is used today to ritually purify a married woman and is a preparation for procreation, but its story goes back to creation itself.
Women and Torah
Audio | 27:54
Women and Torah
Learning Torah illuminates the mind with the light of G-dliness. Here is a story that displays the virtue of women and Torah knowledge.
The Miser of the Town
No one loved his fellow Jews more than R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. This story paints a picture of life in Berditchev of old.
Broad Shoulders
Audio | 27:52
Broad Shoulders
This story helps us appreciate the difference in style and philosophy between Chabad and general Chassidus.
Yosef the Wagon Driver
This fascinating story demonstrates the ideal of weaving together Torah knowledge and pure faith.
The Crowns of Royalty
A few stories about the mothers, wives and daughters of the Rebbes of Chabad and their contribution to the survival and success of Chassidic teachings.
In the Village of Che
The many Chassidim of the previous Rebbe who found themselves in the depths of Communist evil, were undeterred in their service of G-d. This narrative is one example amongst many.
Let’s Talk Business
The world of the Yeshiva is a little piece of heaven on earth. The world of business offers an opportunity to make earth a piece of heaven.