What is Gematria?

Gematria is a system of assigning numeric values to letters or words in the Hebrew language. It is based on the belief that words or phrases with the same numeric value may have related or interconnected meanings.

How is Gematria calculated?

Gematria assigns numeric value to each letter in a word or phrase, and then adds up these values to obtain a total. א equals 1, ב equals two, etc. So, the Hebrew word אב (father) has a numeric value of three (1+2=3).

What are the different systems of Gematria?

Different systems or methods may be used to calculate these values, such as milui, mispar katan and atbash, which involve letter substitutions and other manipulations.

What is the source of Gematria?

The earliest source that mentions Gematria is the “Baraita of the 32 Rules,” written by Rabbi Eliezer ben Rabbi Yosei HaGelili, which lists Gematria as the 28th rule for interpreting the Bible. An additional reference to Gematria is found in Pirkei Avot, where it is described as a “condiment of wisdom.”.

What is the purpose of using Gematria?

Gematria is used to find hidden meanings or connections between words, explore symbolism, and uncover deeper insights or interpretations in religious and mystical texts.

How is Gematria used in Jewish mystical traditions, such as Kabbalah?

According to Kabbalah, the world was created and sustained by the Ten Divine Utterances, as described in Genesis. Gematria, the numeric value of those letters, plays an integral role in this creation process. As such, Gematria is not just a minor aspect of Torah exegesis but has cosmic significance.

Can Halachah be derived from Gematria?

Generally, Gematria does not sreve as a source for Jewish law. Hoewver it does appear to play a role in deriving certain halachic rulings, such as the default duration of 30 days for a Nazirite vow. The commentators clarify that Gematria is not the basis for these laws; rather, the laws are already known and gematria confirms their validity.

What is an example of Gematria?

The nation of Amalek, symbolizes irrational doubt, represented by their attack on the Jewish nation despite closely witnessing G‑d's miracles. The Chassidic masters highlight that the numeric value of Amalek and the Hebrew word for doubt, safek, both equal 240.

Is every Gematria significant?

The Rebbe clarifies that numerical equivalence of two words doesn't necessarily denote an inherent connection. It simply shows both words contain the same number of divine energies giving them existence. An inner link is only established when there's a known conceptual relation between the words, suggesting they share similar types of spiritual energies at their source. While Gematria is a legitimate tool for interpreting Torah, it must be used correctly to yield meaningful insights.