

Explore the rich history, the mystical make-up and the sacred sites of the Holy Land.

Jerusalem Undivided
Audio | 50:16
Jerusalem Undivided
The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People
Jerusalem is not only the crossroads of the world, but more important, it’s the spiritual epicenter of the cosmos. Join us as we explore the people, the land and the claim of Israel and its mystical dimension.
Our People and Our Land
The Jewish Claim to the Land of Israel
What truly links the Jewish people to the Land of Israel? Join us as we explore the special relationship between our people and our land.
Kabbalah on the Holy Land
In this class you will learn what the meaning of the "Holy Land" is and is it really relevant at all now?
The Six-Day War of 1967
What the future promises to bring.
A historical overview of the extraordinary victory of the Six-Day War and how it impacts us today.
Eyes upon the Land
The land of Israel and its holy sites.
Prohibition of Returning Territory
This class presents the Torah view on Jews ceding territory of the Land of Israel in exchange for the hope of peace.
The Me’oras Ha'Machpelah
Audio | 41:32
The Me’oras Ha'Machpelah
This class teaches the Kabbalistic spiritual significance of the Cave of Machpelah; the resting place of the patriarchs and matriarchs.
Israel's Final Battle
Although G-d bequeathed Abraham and his descendants the land of Israel whose borders include the east side of the Jordan, this territory was never formally part of Israel and will only become so with the final redemption. This class will explore the profound current implications of this future event—from the evolving nature of marriage to the solution to Israel's struggle for security.
The History and Holiness of Hebron
Why this ancient Jewish city is so special
Explore Chevron’s extraordinary Jewish history beginning with the purchasing of a burial plot for our matriarch Sarah. The fascinating historical details of Jewish life in this city for nearly four millennia will be accompanied by the mystical Jewish teachings about the unique and unparalleled holiness this ancient Jewish city holds.
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