
Anatomy of a Miracle


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Anatomy of a Miracle: 1977

On Shemini Atzeres, 1977, the Rebbe suffered a massive heart attack during the Hakofos celebration. Dr. Ira Weiss flew in from Chicago to join the medical team treating the Rebbe at 770. Subsequently, he became the Rebbe's cardiologist.
Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Anatomy of a Miracle
Disc 42, Program 166

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1 Comment
Steven Ross November 28, 2019

Sight and sound of our Patriarch in our time Love, passion, truly pure of the Patriarchs. Depply privleged to see the inside a great man's soul. "The Rebbi" Very beautifully unfolded for us all to share. So grateful to see. My sincere gratitude! Reply