
A Bar Mitzvah to Be Remembered

June 27, 2007
Chaim Noah was only a few months old when his mother began noticing something was wrong. His head had a tilt and his eyes weren't lined up properly. Chaim Noah was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. When surgery and chemotherapy failed to eradicate the tumor, doctors told the sorrowing parents their son would die
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Wesley Baer, 13, recites the blessings at the Torah at his bar mitzvah at Chabad-Lubavitch of Palos Verdes. Wesley was born with Down syndrome and just completed a year of studying Hebrew, Jewish history, Jewish holidays and the religion’s traditions with Rabbi Yitzi Magalnic.
Wesley Baer, 13, recites the blessings at the Torah at his bar mitzvah at Chabad-Lubavitch of Palos Verdes. Wesley was born with Down syndrome and just completed a year of studying Hebrew, Jewish history, Jewish holidays and the religion’s traditions with Rabbi Yitzi Magalnic.

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Lisa Providence, RI January 23, 2014

A Bar Mitzvah to be Remembered I'm SO glad Chaim Noah recovered and became a Bar Mitzvah! Reply

Edward Kiarberg Pomona, NY via January 2, 2012

Bar Mitzvah Just because you have down does not mean you can not reach the heights of up. Hope this day will be the beginning of many more up days with G-ds hope, Mazal tvo! Reply

Alexander Metairie, LA November 26, 2011

Wesley What a sweet moment. All should be proud of this young man and his accomplishments. Reply